Well it's been one hell of a year, amiright? When Covid hit last year, I thought to myself "Welp, there goes my business." Surely it couldn't survive a pandemic. Boy, was I wrong...

*To See More 2021 Family Session Highlights Scroll Below*
One night in the Spring of 2020, I was on the phone with one of my best friends and she asked me if I had heard about this "Front Porch Project" thing. I hadn't and was immediately intrigued. I knew this could be my one ticket out of the house and back behind the lens.
So I started Googling and Instagram-ing and Facebook-ing and sure enough, people were doing front porch photography sessions at their home, complete with bare feet, pups and props. It seemed perfect and I jumped on the opportunity. That was the day I knew my little-business-that-could would not, in fact, tank.
Since then, I have had a continual awakening about how important my work and business is to me, and how I need to continue to grow, evolve and persevere through these unknown and difficult times. Am I the bread winner of the family? No. Do we necessarily NEED my income? Nope. But that little voice inside of me that continuously says "CREATE, INSPIRE, IMAGINE" continues to be met with intention and care and I am artistically fulfilled. If you have a creative brain, you know what it means to have that cup filled on the regs - it's plain and simple PURPOSE.
Since last Spring I have begun a complete business transformation, including procuring a client closet, outsourcing model calls, a come to Jesus moment with my website and most importantly, I completed an INCREDIBLE mentorship. This mentorship has changed my entire outlook on my work as an artist and I have grown exponentially thanks to her wisdom and guidance.
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late), when you return to me in the Fall, you will be in for a special treat as far as what I offer and what to expect after we've had our session together. No detail has been overlooked. I have learned SO MUCH about colors, tones, and the importance of wardrobe. Most importantly, I've learned how important the CLIENT EXPERIENCE truly is and how much more I can offer as a photographer in order to give you the ultimate one. Things will look a little different and I will walk you through the entire process. I'm here to remove the stress factor that comes with getting your family photos taken.
My whole goal as a lifestyle photographer is to hold up a mirror to you and your family to capture the moments that happen when no one is watching. The silly prompts? The snuggle requests? The sometimes uncomfortable embraces of you and your significant other after you just had a knock-down-drag-out in the car on your way over because your husband's game is on (yes, I know it happens:)? There's a reason I do it and you find out why when you get your gallery. You find out once you order your prints and canvases and you hang them up in your home. Because this is you. This is your crazy, your chaos, your silly, your love, your lust, your wonderfully imperfect, perfect family. And I cannot tell you how seriously I take the responsibility of making that a tangible gift for your lifetime together.
Let's create some magic together this fall, y'all. I cannot wait!
The Cunningham Family @ Murrell Park & Grapevine Lake
~All Boys, All Fun~

The Wachsmann Family @ Murrell Park & Grapevine Lake
~A Family So Full of Love, It Radiated~

The Medina Family @ Murrell Park & Grapevine Lake
~The Sweetest Sisters You Ever Did See~

The Kruse Family @ Murell Park
~Blessed With A Brand New Baby Boy~

The Keith Family @ The Outer Banks, NC
~It's My Brand New Niece Y'all~
